We’re proud to support Neurofibromatosis Midwest
Who Are NF Midwest

What’s the Connection: Our son, Anders, has two rare diseases, Becker Muscular Dystrophy (BMD) and Neurofibromatosis Type 2-Schwannomatosis (NF2-SWN). Both BMD and NF2-SWN are considered orphan diseases, rare illnesses that affect less than 200,000 Americans (BMD affects approx. 1 in 30,000 males; NF2-SWN affects approx. 1 in 25,000 people. Impossible to believe, right?). Treatments for orphan diseases are not considered profitable to develop due to the disparity between the costs involved in developing them and the limited number of patients to whom they can be prescribed. NF Midwest has been supporting us since the day our son was diagnosed when their pamphlets were included in the patient information folder given to us by the doctor. Since then, they've connected us to opportunities for everything from group chats and summer camp to conferences and clinical trials. And NF Midwest is more than pamphlets. Their support of the families they serve in our seven-state region is personal. We know because we've experienced it first-hand. They are our educators, our emotional support, our team builders, and our advocates in what can be a disorienting, isolating rollercoaster of a diagnosis for the whole family. NF Midwest is not just an organization; they are caring people who are changing lives.
What is NF2
If I say “tumor,” you think “cancer.” But if I add the word “benign,” you think “harmless.” If only that were true! NF2-SWN is an insidious, non-cancerous tumor disorder of the nervous system caused by a lack of a protein called Merlin (sadly, not of the good and magical variety). Tumors are predominantly located around the brain and spine but can grow anywhere in the body where there are nerves. The most common tumors associated with NF2-SWN are vestibular schwannomas, which grow on the auditory nerves. They form between the middle ear and the brain stem and can cause tinnitus, balance problems, and hearing loss or deafness. Nerve sheath tumors in other parts of the body can cause disfigurement, changes in vision, blindness, oculomotor nerve palsy, headache, numbness or weakness in the arms or legs, and fluid buildup in the brain. Anders’ symptoms, have precluded him from attending high school with his peers and have forestalled his future plans while we deal with the present reality. Any treatment considered depends upon a tumor’s location and the symptoms it is creating. Surgical removal of schwannomas can be a treatment option, but they tend to grow back like a once-overgrown raspberry bramble that returns from the small piece of plant root left behind. Radiation treatment or chemotherapy can also be an option, but it does not usually have the effect of shrinking tumors, it merely arrests or slows their growth.
Why NF Midwest

Because NF Midwest C.A.R.E.S. The tenets of NF Midwest are to improve the lives of children, adults, and families impacted by neurofibromatosis through Clinics, Awareness, Research, Education and Support, all of which they’ve been doing for 42 years. And Anders is not alone in his diagnosis; approximately one out of every 2,500 children are born with a form of NF. It is a life-long disorder, diverse even within families, and affects all races. In fact, because the NF gene has such wide-ranging impact, it is believed that approximately 175 million American's benefit from NF research. NF Midwest works to educate, comfort, improve clinical care, and fund research for treatments and a cure for these very complicated, variable disorders that require many different types of specialists. They fund advocacy efforts to increase federal spending on NF research, they directly fund research projects, and they support clinical trials. For decades, the NF community has believed researchers to be on the cusp of new treatments. Well, thanks to the efforts of NF Midwest, we are very nearly there.
As a family profoundly touched by Neurofibromatosis, we are asking you to please join us in our efforts to help NF Midwest and make the dream of new NF treatments a reality, today!